About the guy!

Caden "BurnOut" Preston (that's me!) is a composer, gamedev, and definitely a real human being!

He has been composing for five years and YOU KNOW WHAT!

These things are super weird when done in third person so I'm gonna just do this in first person haha ok

Hi! My name is Caden, but if you interact with me on the internet you probably are more likely to know me as BurnOut!

I'm a composer of five years, (I already said that haha) and I've been (trying) to make games since I was like 13.

I'm basically just an average human that just so happens to make some (totally) (rad) tunes (really cool).

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(you can clap now :p)

If you enjoy my music and maybe would like to hire me to make some for you that'd be cool.

I grew up on a bunch of rpgs and stuff like that so most of my music is inspired a lot by those things.

You can find me on Twitter, Tumblr, itch.io, Bandcamp and Youtube! (I'm not a streamer, don't go there expecting that)
































































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Since you scrolled so far here's a real image of me